Our Story

How Teatery Started?
In 2016, I moved to Houston, Texas, a city densely populated with milk tea shops. Therefore, it was only natural to step into the profession of a “bobarista.” Eventually, I came back home to Baton Rouge, and realized that there were no authentic milk tea shops. The shops that were here closed too early for late-night cravings. With these observations, I began to muse the idea of opening by my own shop in Baton Rouge, and on December 28, 2018, Teatery had its grand opening.
What is Bubble Tea?
Bubble Tea, which is also known as Boba Tea or Pearl Milk Tea, is a kind of milk tea. Milk tea dates back centuries and found its way East as it became a cultural staple in Hong Kong due to British colonial rule. As milk tea expanded its way through Asia, several variants were imagined in an effort to preserve many unique cultural identities. Bubble Tea, the most popular of these cultural adaptations, originated during the 1980s in Taichung, Taiwan. Bubble tea is traditionally served chilled and shaken to create a bubbling effect at the tea’s surface. Today, bubble tea is on its way to becoming popular in Western culture due to its unique taste and aesthetic presentation.
Behind the Name
As I was establishing one of the first milk tea shops in Baton Rouge, I wanted it to have an easy-to-read name that stuck with the local milk tea lovers. Also, I needed the name to hint at the shop’s products. Through trial and error, Teatery, a combination of tea and eatery, erupted into my thoughts. Teatery is not just a brand. It is the temple of “treat yourself!” and an escape from a long day at work or the pressures of school. It is life-therapy in a cup of tea and a piece of cake.
Teatery’s Promise
Teatery’s promise is to deliver authentic bubble tea using only premium teas, sweeteners and flavors imported directly from Taiwan. Teas are brewed using filtered water, curtsey to Hoshizaki Japanese technology. Furthermore, most recipes can be altered based on taste or preference.
Teatery is not simply a business. It is my passion and my American-Dream.
Hau Le, Owner